A healthy home starts
with healthy water

Water Treatment Plants

Triangle Solutions provides customized water treatment plants based on requirement after water testing and analysis

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

STPs are designed to treat domestic sewage and wastewater generated from, commercial, and institutional sources.

The primary goal of an STP is to remove pollutants and contaminants from sewage before it is discharged into the environment.

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

ETPs are designed to treat industrial wastewater, which may contain a wide range of pollutants depending on the industry type and processes involved.

The primary objective of an ETP is to remove or neutralize contaminants from industrial effluents to meet regulatory standards and prevent pollution of the environment.

ETPs employ various treatment techniques such as physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove pollutants like organic matter, heavy metals, oils, greases, and toxic substances.

ETP plants starts with 10 lakhs

Ready to speak to a water treatment Expert?



Head Office –
TRIANGLE SOLUTIONS Room No., Building name, Street address, Place, KERALA-INDIA


T : +91 1234-567-890
T : +91 1234-567-893

E : info@trainglesolutions.com
W : www.trainglesolutions.com

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